Reproducible music Lessons for Young Ensembles
When ordering the books on this site, you will be sent PDF files of each book. You will have permission to reproduce all the copies you need for you and your students. Each order will come with PDF's of a Student Book and a complete Director Book which includes student lessons, assessments and an answer key. Since you have permission to make copies, you have unlimited flexibility in disseminating the material. You can create entire workbooks, smaller packets, or individual lessons. You can customize the curriculum to fit your needs. 
The Note Book includes over 20 sequential lessons. The Note Book teaches students the structure of the Bass and Treble Clef staves and they learn the notation system while memorizing their note names. The Note Book also includes four "Section Pre/Post Tests" and a two part "Final Test." Assessments include timed tests, that measure their ability to name their notes quickly, and tests that measure their understanding of accidental rules and key signatures rules.

The Rhythm Book includes over 30 sequential lessons. Additionally, there are seven "Pre/Post Tests" and a "Final Test" to assess student progress. The lessons cover whole, half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and rests, as well as eighth note triplets, and quarter note triplets. Lessons are taught in 2/4, 3/4/ 4/4, Slow 6/8, Fast 6/8 and Cut time.  Students are taught to subdivide using the "1 e + a" method of counting.  
Get both books at one great low price. You will get both Director and Student books with the same reproducible rights. Get a complete curriculum for your young ensembles.


As the individual purchaser of this work, you are hereby granted non-assignable permission to make unlimited photocopies only for your personal use and for use by your own students.  
An institutional purchase of this work does not constitute a “site license.” This license is granted to an individual purchaser only. The purchaser of this work is not granted the right to reproduce this work for resale, redistribution, or transmission in any form or by any means, including photocopying (other than for self and for personal students), recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the author.

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